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TLC: Live Updates: John Cena vs. Sheamus 3

Sunday, December 13, 2009

They brawl in the crowd and eventually end up back in the ring. Cena grabs another table and gets in the ring.

Sheamus hits him with his cursed kick. Sheamus goes to get a different table. Looks like they're setting up for something big. Sheamus puts it in the corner.

Sheamus grabs him just as he did Cuban and Santino.

Cena stops him and hits his series of moves cultivating with the Attitude Adjustment. Cena goes to the floor to get the table while Sheamus is out cold.

He sets up the table in the middle of the ring to set up the AA. The crowd boos a little bit.

Cena puts Sheamus up on the top rope and goes for the AA. Sheamus throws Cena off the top rope. They battle until Cena gets back up there.

Cena goes for the superplex. Sheamus throws Cena off of him through the table.



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