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Tiger Woods Mistress Photo of Loredana Jolie – Tiger Woods’s 13th Mistress

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The New York Daily News has put the Tiger Woods mistress count at 12 with a former Playboy model named Loredana Jolie. A Hollywood madame, Michelle Braun, revealed Thursday that Tiger Woods was a regular customer, liked group sex, and had great stamina, often extending the sessions he had with the “girls” he had paid for. Braun named Loredana Jolie, a Sicilian-born model who lives in New York, as one of Tiger Woods’ favorites among the hookers she often supplied him with and that he paid $15,000 per meeting with her. Tiger Woods and Loredana went out 4 times, and had kinky sex, and threesome romps. Tiger dished out around 15,000 to be with Loredana. That’s right, 15,000 dollars to be with a favorite hooker, and maybe end up with a STD. How sick is this?

Loredana Jolie who is described as a gorgeous hot blond Playboy model is now Tiger Woods 13th mistress. The Tiger Woods scandal continues to roar. Definitely looks like Tiger Woods had a huge appetite for sex, and just couldn’t be with one woman at a time.

The latest update for Tiger Woods Mistresses, truth or lie is now up to 13.

Some say 15 , but the official count is 13.

The recent whore, we mean mistress, name is: Loredana Jolie (not related to Angelina Jolie). She is from Sicily.

The allegations of a relationship between Tiger Woods and Loredana Jolie have been made by Michelle Braun. Braun has made other allegations, including that Tiger Woods spent large sums of money on women and prostitutes. According to New York Daily News, Braun’s credibility is so, so….. because she claims that Jamie Jungers worked as an escort. Jamie Jungers denied that she knew that woman (see article: Tiger Woods News Update Jamie Jungers interview she ain’t a gold digger )

“She’s a stunning girl,” said Braun. “He went out with her four or five times. She took part in group sex. They met up in 2006 or early 2007. I’d say he paid $15,000 for her.”

Woods “had a pretty big appetite for women” added Braun, as the world famous athlete’s list of extramarital “transgressions” continues to grow.

“He was rarely with just one girl. He usually wanted more. He liked three-ways,” she said.

so here is the list now:

1-Rachel Uchitel, was the 1st mistress. Tiger Woods best friend set up a date for them to meet together in Australia.

2-Jaimee Grubbs is a 24 years old cocktail waitress who is claiming that she has approx 300 text messages and voice mails to prove her affair with Tiger Woods.

3-Kalika Moquin is 27 years old and is a Marketing Director at the Bare Pool Lounge. Their affair started Las Vegas.

4-Mindy Lawton is 33 years old and is a waitress from Orlando, Florida. They apparently had a 3 month fling with him.

5-Cori Rist claims that their affair lasted about 6 months. She met the ace golfer Tiger Woods at New York hot spot Butter lastyear. This affair may have taken place when Tiger’s wife Elin was pregnant with their second child.

6-Jamie Jungers is a 26 year old who has sold her story to a UK paper, said she worked for Trashy Girls — a lingerie line and entertainment agency

. They met in Las Vagas. (see new article: Tiger Woods News Update Jamie Jungers interview she ain’t a gold digger)
7-Holly Sampson is a 36 year old raunchy actresses well known for her porn flicks such as Descent Into Bondage and Diary of a Horny Housewife, “OMG, Stop Tickling Me” and “Flying Solo 2″ amongst the 85 movies that she has done so far. And according to reports, ‘she is not denying that she met Tiger Woods.’ “She has no comment on the matter,” Holly Sampson’s Denver-based lawyer Andrew Contiguglia told The News.

8- unnamed person who hired lawyer Michael O’Quinn is representing. The lawyer said that she doesn’t want to be named because now she has a corporate job and being embroiled in this Tiger Woods scandal could damage her reputation at work. But he did say they hooked up at Orlando’s Roxy Nightclub.

9- Unidentified Alleged Mistress No. 9 is reported to be a “sexy” British TV presenter who was single at the time, but is now married.

10- Unidentified Alleged Mistress No. 10. is reported in a UK paper to be a “sex-addicted cougar.

11- This person is a porn star. Her name is: Veronica Siwik-Daniel . Read the article: Tiger Woods News update: He has Another Mistress, number 11 Holy Batman!

12- a new one… doesn’t want to be named. Hired high-power lawyer

13 – the playboy model (current one)


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