Kate Gosselin Interview with Natalie Morales: Kate Gosselin Addiction Admission
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Kate Gosselin interview with Natalie Morales was interesting. Kate Gosselin and Natalie Morales' interview discussed many things. Among the issues discussed by Kate Gosselin and Natalie Morales is the fact that Kate Gosselin has an addiction.
So what is it that Kate Gosselin is addicted to? Is she addicted to painkillers? Sedatives? Alcohol? Illegal drugs? Sex? The answer is none of the above Kate Gosselin doesn't have a typical addiction. Kate Gosselin is addicted to the spotlight.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that Kate Gosselin is addicted to the spotlight. Okay, not really ... I think no one is surprised with the revelation made by the Kate Gosselin interview with Natalie Morales.
Kate Gosselin's revelation leads to the question of whether or not Jon Gosselin is telling the truth when he says that his kids don't want to be taped. Could it be that Kate Gosselin's addiction to the spotlight caused a lot of the problems that lead up to the Jon and Kate divorce?
Does Kate Gosselin's addiction to the spotlight affect her children? Probably. Does Kate see it that way? According to Current Movie Reviews, Kate told Natalie Morales "Coming from a mom who laid on bed rest from the time I found out I was pregnant, from 7 weeks pregnant to 30 weeks, I absolutely would not put anything in my mouth that would harm them, and fought for every second of their existence, I can tell you that there is nothing that would ever force me to put them in harm's way."
It's totally plausible that Kate Gosselin truly believes that she's not putting her kids in harms way with her urge to be in the spotlight. However, there are two issues to really think about. First - how could Kate or Jon even support the kids without the income that only a TV show or promotional events could provide? One of the parents would have to stay home with the kids at all times - and still then they might need a nanny. One income cannot feed 10 mouths, let alone find a big enough house.
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