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Air Traffic Control School Demand Grows With Jobs

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In recent survey, conducted by Investopedia Air Traffic Controller position was named the top paying job in America that required the minimum education. The numbers came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This, turned many young people's attention to Air Traffic Control School wondering where they can get that education.

Universities normally don't have Air Traffic Schools or programs. It is managed by FAA. The job of the Air Traffic Controller requires a special type of FAA schooling and on the job training.

Air Traffic Controllers may receive up to $117,200 dollars yearly. The median salary is between $86,860-142,210. This is in addition to good benefits.

However, the job is stressful. This is why Air Traffic Controllers retire at 50 years. The watch the lives of hundreds or thousands of air passengers and it indeed ban be stressful.

FAA has approved school for Air Traffic Controllers, called Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Schools. Some are the Aviation Department of the Aims Community College, Department of Aeronautical Management Technology at the Arizona State University, or Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology in Flushing, NY. The full list of Air Traffic Control schools can be found here.


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