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Hyoglossus muscle: an important muscle for SEX

Thursday, October 22, 2009

On the recent millionaire quiz, a Camby man won $50,000 by answering the question in the anatomy category, “Where is the Hyoglossus muscle?” All I can say is that this individual must be in the medical/biology field or a health care professional.

The Hyoglossus is a very thin muscle located just below Adam’s apple in the neck and passes upwards to attach to sides of the tongue. The function of the Hyoglossus is to depress and retract the tongue. Without this function singing would be quite difficult.

There is also word from anatomists that if the Hyoglossus gets damaged, males would have great difficulty giving oral sex. The Hyoglossus is not involved in sucking so women would have no problems giving oral sex.

The Hyoglossus functions well during life and rarely does it get injured. The two disorders which can affect function of this muscle include stab wounds or a stroke. When a stab wound is made to the neck, the muscle can be cut and in most cases the injury is missed and quite difficult to repair. After a stroke recovery of function of the muscle depends on the degree of stroke. When the stroke is dense, recovery is delayed and recovery may never occur.

TV shows have gone extreme with the types of questions being asked. I guess all the easy questions have already been answered and now everyone has to have a thoroughly knowledge about exotic topics. I bet that if practicing physicians were asked where the Hyoglossus was located or what its function is- 99 percent would have no clue. Good for you-Tony Westmoreland


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